The Ultimate Intro to Crystal Cleansing

crystal cleansing

If you are new to using crystals, you might not be aware of how important the cleansing process is.

Crystal cleansing isn’t about keeping them shiny but removing energies the emotions of other people or yourself have exposed them too. These energies can be released once the crystal is charged, or at any other time.

Crystal cleansing will also help protect your spiritual health. Rose Quartz and Citrine are particularly helpful for keeping negative energies at bay.

Cleansing your new crystal when you first get it and keeping it cleansed will help ensure it is at peak performance. Let’s discuss some great and easy ways to keep positive energy flowing!


Burying your crystals in a bowl of sea or Himalayan salt will extract the impurities out of them.

The process should take about an hour, although some crystals require more time for cleansing. Try to remain with your crystal so that it will have your focus. This attention will guide you to when it is time to remove your stone.

Some crystals cannot be cleansed in this manner. Salt will liquefy if it becomes too humid, so if your stone is water-sensitive, this method should not be employed.


Crystal cleansing with sunlight and moonlight are both great options.

Moonlight will not only cleanse your crystal but also charge it with feminine energy. Once a month, leave your crystal outside or on a windowsill, where it will be exposed to moonlight.

Sunlight will charge your crystal with masculine energy. Before leaving it outside, make sure your crystal won’t fade over time or become brittle. Place your stone out from dawn to dusk and retrieve it while the sun is setting. This method is only for occasional use, however.


Smudging is the process of burning smudge or incense sticks and using the smoke to clear your crystal of stored energies. Incense such as sweetgrass and Cedarwood are perfect for crystal cleansing because they release certain elements that aid in the process.

Use a feather to waft the smoke over your crystal. The great thing about this method is that it only takes about half a minute, making it perfect for someone with a busy lifestyle.

This technique is a safe method for crystal cleansing. You won’t have to worry about damaging your stones!

Crystal Cleansing With Sound!

Sounds emit powerful vibrations that can cleanse your crystal of energies. The American Cancer Society recognizes that sound plays a role in healing.

This method is safe for all crystals, and you can personalize it to match the energies of your stones.

A singing bowl is perfect because you can pass your crystals directly through the sound waves, increasing the effectiveness. Gongs or bells will work as well, just make sure that they are close enough for the sound waves to transmit to your stones.

If you don’t have any of these things readily available, your vocal cords will work wonders! Hold the crystals close to your mouth and sing to them, pushing the sound waves out through your throat.

Not only does singing cleanse your crystal, but it also makes you feel better. What should you sing? Go for anything that you feel is right. Once you get acquainted with your crystals, you will know what works and what doesn’t.

Earth Method

Unless you have a metal-based crystal, burying it in the earth is an excellent way to cleanse. Bury your crystal in the ground and leave it overnight, or longer if you feel comfortable doing this.

If it rains or snows, that’s even better! You want your crystal to experience as many changes in the weather as possible. Putting it in the earth is a sort of rebirth. You are returning it to where it came from to ground it.

Place a marker where you bury your crystal, and make sure that it is easy to spot and won’t be washed away or knocked over. You don’t want to lose your valuable crystal!


There’s a reason using oils is a trusted method for crystal cleansing. Different oils have different effects, enabling you to accomplish whatever you need.

If your goal is to remove negative energy, filling a bowl with water and adding your crystal and a few drops of Juniper oil will do the trick. Lemon can also be used to purify your stone.

If you are crystal cleansing because you are working on emotional issues, using lavender oil is a great way to clear away the energy and help you relax as well.

You can also heat the oils and pass your crystal through the vapors. If your stone isn’t water-friendly, this is a great alternative way to do your crystal cleansing and is almost always safe.

Make Sure You Energize Your Crystal

It’s important to re-energize your crystal after cleansing it. There are a lot of ways to do this.

One of the oldest methods is through physical contact. Place your crystal in your hands and rub them together slowly. Focus on your crystal, and you should begin to sense your energy flowing into it. Native Americans have used hand rubbing for decades.

You can also submerge your crystal in water, allowing it to sit for 30 minutes, or however long you feel necessary. Much like sunlight and moonlight, running water can cleanse and energize at the same time.

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