The Curious Paradox Of Psychic Arthur Ford

Renowned clairaudient and trace medium psychic is one of the most paradoxical psychics in recent history. Critics and skeptics of psychics point to Arthur Ford and say, "See! There is proof that psychics are con-artists", and yet, those who believe in psychics and psychic abilities point to Arthur Ford and say,"See! There is a psychic… [Read More]

Unique Tarot Spreads

The shape of a tarot reading, also known as the tarot spread, can be tailored to the subject of the reading. There are many lesser well-known spreads that can be used for obtaining specific details from the Universe. For people who trust the Tarot to reveal helpful information, these less popular spreads can help find… [Read More]

The Psychics Of Lily Dale

Located in western New York in the town of Pomfret, Lily Dale is considered to be the home of one of the largest Spiritualist communities in the world. Spiritualists became prominent in the United States in the mid-1800s, when a freethinking movement began to consider the idea that spirits can communicate from the afterlife. Many… [Read More]

Finding Atlantis

Atlantis is a legendary nation that is said to have been utterly destroyed by some unknown catastrophe and sunk into the sea, leaving almost no trace they ever existed. The most prominent document about Atlantis is from the ancient Greek philosopher Plato around 360 BC. According to Plato, Atlantis was a naval superpower that had… [Read More]

Feng Shui Your Home

The art of Feng Shui has been around for thousands of years. Originating from China, Feng Shui has transferred to various different cultures and communities world-wide. Taoists believed in Chi (energy) and that everything around us is filled with either good Chi or bad Chi. The goal is to create a space where good Chi… [Read More]

What Is Clairsentient?

Clairsentient means “clear feeling” and may also be called psychometry. It is one of four major metaphysical senses. Clairvoyance-”clear seeing“, clairaudience-”clear hearing” , and claircognizance-”clear knowing”, are the other three. All four are considered a form of extrasensory perception, at least in the scientific community. A clairsentient is a person who has the ability to… [Read More]

A Look At Hindu Deities

There are many deities in Hinduism. If you ask one hundred Hindu devotees who the most important Hindu deities are, you will likely get one hundred different answers. Some put the number as high as 330 million. Depictions of Hindu deities often differ because each image shows different symbols of the deity’s qualities. The features,… [Read More]

Is Reincarnation Real?

Is reincarnation real? That is a good question. Reincarnation is a popular ‘paranormal’ topic on and off the Web. Generally, it is often brought up alongside ghosts, clairvoyance, and guardian angels. Reincarnation has been an important influence in many cultures throughout the ages, since the dawn of man, almost world wide. Socrates, Pythagoras and Plato… [Read More]