Brief History of Angels

When you hear the term “angel”, what image enters your mind? For hundreds of years, the western angel has been represented in art as a human with wings, usually adorned with a white robe and sometimes with armor and sword. The angel is depicted as an agent of God and as a force of divine… [Read More]

General George Patton And Reincarnation

When most people hear the word ‘reincarnation’ they think of the Dalai Lama, karma, and humanity’s spiritual evolution. However, there is ‘more to heaven and earth than your philosophies have dreamt of…’, and General George Patton and his perspective on reincarnation is a case in point. General George Patton made it clear during his career… [Read More]

Psychics And Such At the White House: Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln is the only President in the past 100+ years who never declared his affiliation with any particular religion. In Lincoln’s early campaigns for Congress opponents labeled him a "scoffer" of religion because Lincoln refused to join any particular church and had no recognizable religious affiliation. However, Lincoln did have a deep, abiding sense… [Read More]

Origen: Spiritual Understanding Of The Bible Superior To Literal

"Not All Early Christians Believed The Bible Should Be Literally Interpreted…" Origen (also known as Origen Adamantius) was a highly influential, early Christian scholar whose method of scriptural interpretation has been studied, praised, debated, and critiqued for almost two millennia. Born in Alexandria in c. 185, Origen began writing between the years 215 AD and… [Read More]

A Brief History of Sanskrit

Anyone who has begun to explore spirituality or seek out the origin of particular words eventually runs into and ancient language called ‘Sanskrit’. The words ‘yoga’ and ‘chakras‘ trace their origin back to Sanskrit. Sanskrit is an ancient Indian language of special interest to many linguistic, historical, and religious circles. Although many consider Sanskritic a… [Read More]

Why Does The Date For Easter Change?

Shouldn’t Easter be a fixed date on the calendar? Especially if Easter is meant to celebrate the day of Jesus’ resurrection, shouldn’t the date remain the same every year? So why does the date of Easter change every year? In the West, Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon on… [Read More]

The Divination Systems of Santeria

When it comes to divination, or the ability to ‘divine’ the future or to communicate with the spirit world, most Westerns are familiar with only a few styles. Astrology, tarot, numerology are likely the only styles of divination that most Westerns are familiar with, and psychics and psychic mediums are often associated with these forms… [Read More]

Beginners Look At Buddhist Zazen Meditation

The most fundamental techniques of Zen Buddhism is zazen, which literally translated means "seated meditation". The main principle behind Zen Buddhism is to actively meditate to calm the body and mind so that you can focus on your "inner self" and find the Buddha-nature within. Often the teacher will give the more advanced zazen students… [Read More]