Astrology and the seven chakras are two of the oldest systems there are to explain and inform human behavior. Are these related? And if so how does that relationship apply? What is astrology? Astrology is the study of planetary position. Its original purpose was to provide insight into the course of one’s life on the basis… [Read More]
Understanding The Basic Tarot Card Meanings
Tarot can be a fascinating and rewarding spiritual practice. It can even have some practical benefits. That said tarot’s complexity can also be intimidating. If you’re interested in exploring tarot readings, but are not sure where to start, then you’ve come to the right place. This post will introduce you to some basic tarot card meanings… [Read More]
Why Children Need Spirituality
The world is becoming increasingly non-religious. In fact, only 38% of millennials say that religion is an important part of their lives, according to the Pew Research Center. But religion and spirituality do not have to go hand in hand. As fewer people adhere to religious beliefs, parents are left with a lot of questions…. [Read More]
10 Of The Most Common Pagan Symbols
Did you know that pagan symbols are all over the place? Pagan symbols are used for jewelry, magic, and as a means to connect with people on a deeper level. In fact, some Pagan symbols and traditions are so popular that they are even used in other religions. Some of these symbols have become so widespread that most… [Read More]
An Introduction to Tarot Reading
You’ve heard of tarot reading. You may be a little bit interested. You may be very interested. But where do you begin? Tarot reading is an art and a tool grounded in centuries of ancient tradition. It is accessible to everyone and anyone. Otherwise, so many people wouldn’t be participating! With a basic overview of its… [Read More]
The Benefits Of Reiki Healing
The word holistic is rapidly becoming a vapid buzzword. We see people constantly use this word out of context with very little understanding of what it really means to be holistic. Holistic means whole, yes. But it’s much more than a popular notion of wholeness. Our lives encompass so much. Our bodies, our relationships, our… [Read More]
How to Find Your Life Path Number Using Numerology
Have you ever had a number that pops up all the time in your life? Maybe it’s your number at the DMV. Or maybe, every time you eat at a restaurant, the bill ends in the number. Regardless, this number is always present in your life. But it probably means nothing, right? Well, not so… [Read More]
What You Need To Know About Astrology Houses
Astrology is a wonderful way to understand both yourself and those around you. It can help you establish a sense of self-worth, find the perfect mate, and create lasting friendships. But in order to understand all these wonderful benefits of astrology, you need to first learn a little about the signs themselves! In this post, we’re… [Read More]