Finding Atlantis

Atlantis is a legendary nation that is said to have been utterly destroyed by some unknown catastrophe and sunk into the sea, leaving almost no trace they ever existed. The most prominent document about Atlantis is from the ancient Greek philosopher Plato around 360 BC. According to Plato, Atlantis was a naval superpower that had… [Read More]

Is Reincarnation Real?

Is reincarnation real? That is a good question. Reincarnation is a popular ‘paranormal’ topic on and off the Web. Generally, it is often brought up alongside ghosts, clairvoyance, and guardian angels. Reincarnation has been an important influence in many cultures throughout the ages, since the dawn of man, almost world wide. Socrates, Pythagoras and Plato… [Read More]

Famous 18th And 19th Century Psychics

With the advent of the enlightenment and the decline of the influence of the Roman Catholic Church, talented psychics really emerged from hiding and began share their gifts in 18th and 19th century. Spiritual knowledge of the east and west were gaining popularity in circles of academia and the courts of aristocrats of the time…. [Read More]