Have you ever been confused by a dream? You’re not alone.
Everybody has dreams that give a glimpse into their psyche. Even if they don’t remember them.
Experts believe that we dream four to six times per night. That means the average person has over 1,800 dreams per year.
While everybody dreams, few people actually take the time to decode their hidden messages.
But maybe it’s time to start paying attention.
They say a dream reveals your true desires. Avoid being overwhelmed with what your subconscious is saying with our guide to dream interpretation.
Read on to learn more about how you can start to interpret your dreams.
What are dreams?
Dreams typically occur during the REM portion of sleep when the brain is most active.
There is no limit to what the mind can surmise during dreams. Dreams can introduce new characters you’ve never met, summon your darkest fears, and let you live out your greatest fantasy.
Despite the commonality of dreams, there is no clear cut definition as to the purpose of dreams.
Scientists still disagree about the reason we dream.
Some say that dreams mean nothing and only exist to keep our brains stimulated.
Many others say that we dream to communicate with our subconscious.
Psychologists like Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung argued that dreams are a way of integrating our conscious and unconscious lives.
Many believe that dreams give us a window into our deepest desires, fears, and emotions.
The History of Dream Interpretation
For as long as people have been around they’ve tried to decipher the meaning behind their dreams.
Attempts to interpret dreams have been found in artifacts from ancient civilizations to influential empires.
Ancient Greek and Roman’s found dreams to be messages from the gods and would even bring dream interpreters into battle.
There are also numerous references to dreams in religious contexts including the Bible and ancient Egyptian artifacts.
Dreams were long interpreted as prophecies or omens. In fact, there are many examples of dreams changing the course of history.
Dream interpretation changed in the late 19th century and early 20th century. That’s when Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung emerged as leaders in the field of dreams.
Their work is still reflected in dream interpretation today. They were influential in changing the way we look at dreams through the lens of the unconscious.
How to Interpret Your Dreams
Have you ever woken up from a dream and immediately Googled the meaning behind it?
Unfortunately, there’s no universally accepted interpretation of dreams. Despite what you may read online.
That’s because dreams are deeply personal. They reveal our innermost thoughts and can only be understood through the perspective of the dreamer.
Your subconscious is trying to communicate with you when you dream. The meaning of a dream pertains only to the life of the dreamer.
Yes, dreams can lead you to the path of spiritual awakening. But that doesn’t mean every one of your dreams will have a profound impact on your life.
But be wary of disregarding a dream because it’s seemingly random.
It’s not always easy to know which dreams are significant. Experts suggest that you try to decipher dreams that are recurring or illicit an emotional response.
Be Analytical and Creative
Some people claim that dream interpretation should be analytical, while others argue that it should be creative.
In reality, it’s a combination of the two.
Don’t be afraid to use your imagination when interpreting your dream. Dreams are an extension of your imagination, so it makes sense to be creative with your interpretation.
You should also be analytical in your approach. That means you should look at the facts and have a scientific approach.
Ask yourself questions like “what was in the dream,” “what is that thing associated with,” and “how does this relate to me?”
For example, say that you went skydiving in your dream. A scientific approach would say that there is an element of danger to your dream.
But you might also be a risk-taker that finds sky-diving to be a highly enjoyable experience. Tap into your creative side to determine what emotions you associate with skydiving.
Maybe you associate it with fun and adventure or maybe it’s fear and danger.
Dreams are subjective. There’s no right answer when interpreting them.
But use the evidence and your imaginative side to give yourself the best chance of understanding the dream.
Using Others
Dream interpretation is deeply personal. But there doesn’t mean you have to interpret them all on your own.
Dream analysis is a practice where experts can help lead you to a conclusion about your dreams.
The symbols found in dreams have a specific meaning only to the dreamer. Therefore, it’s not the expert’s job to tell you what a symbol means.
Rather, the expert can assist you in finding a meaning that taps into your subconscious.
When analyzing a dream, it’s important to take into account your own experiences and feelings.
However, experts can help lead you to personal conclusions you might not otherwise be able to tap into.
How to Engage With Dreams
We’ve all been there. You wake up from a particularly vivid dream, only to completely forget about the details minutes later.
The first step in analyzing a dream is to remember a dream.
One tried and true method to help you remember your dreams is to keep a dream journal.
Keep a notepad by your bed so that you can jot down your dream as soon as you wake up. It’s important to put details on paper immediately to save you from forgetting crucial details.
Write down the content of your dream carefully. Pay close attention to anything that stands out as bizarre or confusing.
You can also draw the contents of your dream if any vivid images stand out.
Another method is to tell yourself that you want to remember your dream before you fall asleep. This trains your brain to improve dream memory.
All of these methods will help you not only remember your dreams but also have more reliable interpretations in the future.
What You Can Do
Finding meaning behind dreams can be incredibly rewarding. You can better understand yourself, your emotions, and your subconscious through dream interpretation.
Are you trying to better understand your dreams? We can help. Contact our dream team today.
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