Finding the Spirit Guides to Navigate Your Journey

spirit guides

Everybody needs a little help from time to time.

It would be nice to have someone on hand who understands what’s best for us. Someone who can show us the way to go.

What a lot of people don’t realize is that they already have this person.

We all do. They’re known as spirit guides, and you can tap into their power whenever you like.

In today’s article, we’ll be taking a closer look at who these incorporeal guides are,. We’ll also cover how to speak to them, and how to make use of their insights.

Are you ready?

Good. Let’s begin.

What Is A Spirit Guide?

Before we became the people we are born as, our spirits or “higher selves” chose guides that come into our waking lives. These guides help us live according to the correct path for our spirits while on earth.

Spirit guides are disembodied spirits remaining on earth instead of heaven or choosing to incarnate. They do this to perform the roles of guides and protectors to humans.

These are entities whose purpose is to find people to give advice to. They can help to impart some specialized knowledge. You might invite them into your life, or they could simply come to you.

Whatever the case, these guides are here to help you.

They can take many physical forms, from guardian angels to nature spirits and even totems and animals. They may be incarnations of dead relatives or friends. However, this is less common.

They can also take completely noncorporeal forms, made up entirely of energy without any recognizable shape. Often they will exude a specific color. Though being pure energy, this has no bearing on whether they are “male” or “female”.

Some guides will be around for your whole life. With others, they may be here for a time, then gone. They may then come back again the next time you need them.

Whatever the shape, purpose, or longevity, however, there’s one thing for sure: spirit guides are here to show you your path through life.

So how do you go about finding yours?

Tapping Into The Power of Your Spirit Guide

With all the benefits in finding and connecting with your guides, it’s easy to understand why so many people want one.

So, how does one go about finding their own personal guide?

At the core of the issue is intuition. It’s important to learn to listen to the feeling inside of yourself that tells you to take action. Whether it’s taking a different route home from work, or talking to that good looking guy or girl who’s “out of your league”.

Your spirit guide is there to encourage you to aim higher, shoot further, and try for things that might seem impossible otherwise. You might think this is coincidental. However, that feeling is a direct line of communication with your spirit guide.

Spirit guides work in opposition to your ego, which often tells you to stop short of things that might embarrass you. They work to grow you, positively, as a person, instead.

These are complicated entities, that communicate with you throughout your life. As a result, there are many different ways to listen to your spirit guide. They include the following:


This is possibly the most effective way to encourage communication with spirit guides.

Guided meditation relies on the person doing it visualizing themselves in a room or peaceful environment. Spend some time calming your mind, then imagine yourself going into a special place. Ask your guide to meet you there, and have a conversation with them.

This is a skill you can practice, and get better at. With time, your communications will become more lucid, stronger, and more accurate.

Looking for signs

Sometimes, spirit guides will communicate through more abstract means than a direct feeling.

You need to pay attention to icons you find out in the world, especially when they line up with events in your life. For some, this could be licence plates on the highway, on the morning of a big interview.

For others, it might be certain songs playing on the radio, or unexpected behavior from their housepets.

Dream journaling

Simplify the process of communicating with your spirit guides by asking them to speak to you via your dreams. This opens up the channel. It allows them to use any imagery they need to show you the way towards what you should be doing.

Simply make it your intention to hear from them in your dreams, every night, before going to sleep.

Once you start remembering your dreams, make sure to keep a notebook next to your bed. Write down your dream as soon as you wake up. This way, you’ll be able to study it with a clear head in the morning.

This is a rich source of communication with your spirit guide. Writing out your feelings through communication with your guide is good advice in general, and can help you to discover things about yourself you never knew.

Visiting a psychic

As with any other skill, there are experts in spirit guide communications who can help you achieve results faster than you might on your own.

Get in touch with a psychic and tell them what you’re trying to find out. Ask them to be a mediator for you. After a few successful readings, you’ll be confident enough to take the reigns, yourself.

Having a relationship with a spirit guide is a very personal thing.

It brings with it a lot of potential for improving your life. Listen carefully to the advice you get, and make sure the advice you’re getting actually works in your day to day life.

Find and Communicate With Spirit Guides, Today

Spirit guides are non-corporeal beings who accompany you throughout different stages of your life. It’s their purpose to do what they can to help and guide you.

With a little insight and the right techniques, you can communicate directly with them. If you don’t find it working immediately, a little practice and some patience will help to make the whole process much easier.

Having trouble getting closer to your spirit guide? Find an experienced psychic, with Psychics Directory, today, and let us help you.

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