The Book of Shadows is a text that has been placed in popular culture for decades.
If you have ever watched The Craft, Charmed, or The Blair Witch Project, you are well aware that such a text exists. However, it is much more than just a fictional text.
It is a very real text that comprises of religious texts and rituals surrounding the religion of Wicca.
The original Book of Shadows was created in the late 1940s, early 1950s by the first Wiccan Gerald Gardner. Throughout the years, it’s been rewritten and adapted by other authors.
Presently, the Book of Shadows can be considered two texts.
The first being the original texts which include the core rituals and practices, the second designated for personal usage.
The second Book of Shadows can contain whatever the specific person intends to keep within it – including astrology and divination.
But how can this book be relevant to today’s society?
While its origins are decades old, the Book of Shadows is still relative to modern society.
Here we will discuss the ways this decades old Wiccan text influences witches and pagans still today.
Book of Shadows in Modern Times
As previously stated, the Book of Shadows has evolved into modern times as more of a journal for witches to document their rituals, dreams, and astrology information.
With that in mind, we will take a look at how witchcraft is incorporated into today’s modern society, and how the evolution of the Book of Shadows assists with this.
Modern Witchcraft: More Than Just Spells and Wands
With Hollywood films and shows portraying witches as darkly dressed, wand yielding beings, it’s hard to imagine them as regular citizens in the modern world.
But regular citizens are exactly what they are. It’s estimated that there are over 20,000 self-identified Wiccans in the United States, though this number is not accurate as many do not publicly identify.
Most witches are our friends and neighbors, but thanks to Hollywood, we assume they should be flying around on broomsticks.
So let’s take a look at how modern witchcraft works and combat some myths that may surround it.
- There is more than one form of witchcraft. Like other religions, witchcraft can be divvied up into many, many other forms. Christianity alone has Catholics, baptists, methodists, Lutherans and way more. Same goes for witchcraft. The Book of Shadows evolved from the Wiccan religion, but other witches may consider themselves pagan as opposed to Wiccan. Other forms of witchcraft include green witchcraft, African, and traditional witchcraft.
- Witches use magic, but not that kind of magic. Yes, witches use magic. But, it is not the type of magic you are thinking of. If you’re pitching the likes of Harry Potter, you’re thinking wrong. Magic modern witches use includes herbs, natural remedies, and what most witches called “deep thinking.” Deeo thinking may include prayers or rituals asking for divine help in an array of issues – whether it be work or love spells. Essentially, witches use powerful energy to cast spells and keep negative energy out. So, no boiling frogs or sacrificing pigs here!
- Wiccans worship more than one deity. While the stereotype of witches is often that they are associated with the devil, modern witches can promise you that this just is not true. Most witches worship several deities, mostly those associated with the earth and nature (so scary, right?). Like other world religions, Wiccans choose to celebrate their holidays surrounding the changing of the seasons. Ultimately, Wiccans are not much different than other world religions.
Wiccan Law
The basis of the Book of Shadows entails some of the major Wiccan laws: “harm none, do what you will” and the law of three, “whatever you send out, comes back threefold.”
So what can we take away from these two major Wiccan laws?
The Book of Shadows essentially preaches goodwill towards others and promotes freedom and goodness.
How does this translate into modern times?
Wiccans are known to promote positivity and freethinking. In a modern world of much hatred and turmoil, this can be a very positive thing.
Like any other world religion, Wiccans practice virtues – honor and compassion being some of those.
Remember, witches believe in Mother Nature as being one of their many deities, so their major role in the modern society is ensuring we are keeping environmentally conscious.
Political and social issues like gay marriage, immigration, and women’s rights are all things many Wiccans support (and just like other religions, many may not!).
However, all of these issues that relate to modern society also correlate with the Book of Shadows and the major Wiccan laws.
The Book of Shadows as we have now learned is not just a fictional book that is used in Hollywood films, books, and TV shows.
It is the sacred text (or their own variation of) that many modern witches still use today.
Its major laws are reminiscent of other modern religions. Laws that make you think, “that reminds me of karma or the 10 Commandments.”
Wiccans and modern witches are subject to almost the same stereotypes that witches hundreds of years ago were before them.
While we no longer burn them at the stake, witches are oftentimes typecast as evil, devil worshippers, or even mentally insane.
We now know that that is the farthest from the truth.
With the times shifting and technology growing, we can see a better appreciation for the religion of Wicca and other earth-based religions because we are better able to investigate for ourselves.
As this post points out, there are many ways in which witches are able to help with modern society, and their role is that of any other religion or doctrine.
If you are interested in learning more on Wicca or witchcraft, this website has tons of resources and articles that may interest you.
You may also check out the Ask A Witch feature here on our website to speak with real witches who can cast a spell for you!
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