What is the true purpose of relationships? Perhaps the answer lies in what relationship truly do for us. Relationships awaken us to the negative and positive aspects of ourselves. A relationship, particularly a love relationship, reveals both the goodness and the unkindness of our character. In a relationship we can discover own goodness and learn where we could improve. Our inner desire to know ourselves, to discover who we are and how we should feel about ourselves, is perhaps why we seek to find the right life time partner.
We are all in a relationship with each other on different levels. Mastering the art of giving, receiving and sharing often is key to our well-being. A caring relationship so often helps us learn how to share, how to receive and how to share. The right person in our lives can make all the difference in how we can, do and will relate to others. Will be seen as selfish? Or generous?
We are all unique. No two people share the exact same values. When we feel our values being supported we allow people into our lives. Liking someone is so often based on shared values. Someone who shares what we value gives us encouragement to expand and practice our values. When people challenge our values we dislike them. We may label them as being negative or mean and so on. However, those who challenge us often provide us with the greatest revelations about who we are. You may think of friction with someone else as negative. But if you examine the situation, it can teach you an enormous amount about who you are.
Do you make both giving and receiving a priority for every day and everyone? Fair exchange means maintaining balance. When you see both sides this is when you begin to master your life. To give is not a loss and to receive is not a gain, it all balances out.
True love will feel eternal. It will involve both emotional love, conditional love and unconditional love. It is by embracing this paradox that we can perceive to be good or bad in others and still accept them. By letting people be who they are opens our hearts to experience both sides of positive and negative beliefs. Unconditional love is perfectly balanced without conditions or restrictions, and yet, at times, we know love requires us to put conditions on others. For example, parents love their children without limit, yet there are time to draw lines and say, ‘If you cross this line I will get angry with you’.
When our emotions are balanced we can perceive both sides of an issue. When our emotions are not in balance, we often perceive one side or the other. Relationships often force us to both confront and control our emotions. This, in itself, can become a valuable lesson in learning about ourselves. Excessive emotions can cloud our mind and block us from a fulfilling life. Unconditional love is when we perceive to have perfectly balanced emotions. We feel the ups and downs, but either rules our life.
Relationships always seem to be some kind of test. It does not matter if it is a work relationship, a parent child relationship, family relationships or our relationship to seeming strangers. If you pay attention, you may discover that all relationships are showing us who we are. And, a love relationship will show us the most. It is likely to test us the most, too.
Alina Feely provides love guidance as a professional love coach. You can contact Aline for expert relationship advice at through LoveCoachline.com at 1-800-639-3396.
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