Online Confessions -
Live Chat
"They say that confession is good for the soul.
Most who have unburdened themselves with confession seeking forgiveness and atonement would agree. Chat live
with these online professionals, ministers, priests, reverends ..."
The Psychics Directory in association with
Psychic Source welcomes you to our live Online Confession Chat page ... the
place to help you get through feelings of guilt and self-doubt.
If you think confession and the confessional is the practice of just one religion, you
would be wrong. The idea of that confession is a necessary process to work through guilt
and self loathing is part of many religions and forms of spirituality ... both Eastern and
It may be a process of the human condition because, let's face it, everyone
will make a mistake, make a bad choice, do something stupid, eventually. Given this reality,
what is process to make things right, find forgiveness, make atonement?
Here, you will find men and women to chat with from a number of different
professionals in spiritual disciplines (and
a few with both spiritual and academic backgrounds) to assist you with finding forgiveness and
Guilt is a very heavy burden to carry. If you know you are wrong, confess it, find a
way towards making it right, and move on. You are not the first, not the last, to have
made a bad choice.
Simply click on the photo of any of the listed religious experts to view more information
about them.
Get 3 minutes free to chat with each expert until you find the best match for you!